Raylight Cutter (Windows version) bug release is today. The new version is 1.0 Build C.
Release Notes:
1. Audio editing and Transitions
Many bugs were fixed in the audio fades and audio editing in transition mode. The length of an audio fade can now be controlled by dragging a crank handle off the audio scissors. The audio rolls are shown correctly now when you click on a transition in the pie chart: the top rolls show the sound for the tail of the previous cut, the bottom rolls are for the head of the next cut. By clicking on the top or bottom video rolls you can highlight the corresponding audio rolls. If a roll is selected, any cuts made are applied only to that roll.
2. Secondary Monitor
The size and quality of the 2nd monitor is now controlled using a temporary solution. This will eventually be done with an icon in the settings screen, but for now, the file monitor.txt (in the Documents/RaylightCutter folder) can be edited with NotePad to set the scale and frame size. For example
scale 2
width 1280
height 900
scale = 1 is for full resolution, 2 for half resolution, etc.
the height and width must be supported by the monitor. To see a list of supported sizes, look at the file DirectDraw.txt in the same folder, after the program has run at least once with the 2nd monitor connected.
Also the "2" icon on the viewer must be enabled (lit up) for the 2nd monitor to operate.
Also the "2" icon on the viewer must be enabled (lit up) for the 2nd monitor to operate.
3. Deinterlacing
Deinterlacing preview has been improved. High-quality deinterlacing is turned off when you scrub through footage or playback in real time. Deinterlacing is turned on when the video roll is 60i or 50i format and the project settings are progressive, and you are stepping through the video frame-by-frame using the page down key, or when rendering. The upper field/lower field first icon now works, and has the correct effect on 60i to 24p conversion. The frame rate interpretation (60i/30p/24p) is now saved when you change it and has the correct effect on deinterlacing. 3:2 and 2:3:3:2 pulldown removal is working now when you either render or step through footage frame-by-frame.
4. Stability
Some improvements have been made to prevent the program from crashing due to a video frame buffer overrun.
5. Audio Box
The audio box has been modified to make the local and global icons bigger.
6. Flicking Clips
The "flick a clip" feature has been implemented. You can drag your finger (or mouse) from the center of a clip in the folder view towards the project reel and it will assemble into the project after the last cut. We will put up a video this week to demonstrate this.
What's Next
Looking ahead the next release will support the HEVC (H.265) codec using the Main Concept decoder in demo mode, and will have further improvements to the user interface.
A bug release is coming soon with some of the above changes (1,3,4,5,6), and more, for the Mac OSX version.
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